Friday, March 6, 2009

University of Indonesia

University of Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia
University of Indonesia's Symbol

Motto: veritas, probitas, iustitia
Established: 1851 (as School for Javanese Doctor)
Type: State University
Rector: Prof. Dr. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri
Staff: 4.814(Full-time Staff for Academic Staff on 2007/2008 Fiscal Year)
Students: 415.555 students (2008/2009)(40% are graduate students)
Location: Depok, West Java, Indonesia
Central Jakarta, Jakarta
, Indonesia
Campus: Both urban and rural
(Total Area 3,552,713 m²)
With 3 areas: Depok, Salemba, Pegangsaan Timur

Rectorate, the main building of University of Indonesia.

University of Indonesia (in Indonesian: Universitas Indonesia), abbreviated as UI, has its roots as the oldest tertiary-level education facilities in Indonesia (then the Dutch East Indies). Its main campus is located in the north part of Depok, West Java, and the other main campus site is in the Salemba area of Central Jakarta.

It is regarded as one of Indonesia's premier universities, scoring higher than any other Indonesian university in the Times Higher Education Supplement World University Rankings of 2006 [250]. It ranked number 395 in THES World University Rankings of 2007 and improved its position, passing 108 universities, to 287th in 2008 .

In the year 2007-2008 University of Indonesia has gone through substantial reform. A significant increase in revenue from 800 Billion to 1.6 Trillion Rupiah. The number of research publications has also increased. This is also the case with the endowment fund of the University. The homecoming event for the alumni conducted on 26-27 July 2008 in the garden area between the UI lake and Balairung UI Depok is an example of the effort to unite the potential of hundred thousand alumni who have been contributing their talent and skills in strategic positions in Indonesia.

The new elected Rector of the Universitas Indonesia (July 2007), Prof Dr der.soz. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri is a reformist, hard worker and visionary youngest leader among the university presidents in Indonesia with a wide international network connection. He is currently elected as on as one of the board of Director of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU).

According to the latest survey of Globe Asia (2008) UI ranked as number one among top universities in Indonesia . This report has been supported by a leading magazine in Indonesia, Tempo, who carried out survey and analysis concerning the rank of University and education in Indonesia . University of Indonesia as also improved its research collaboration with International partners, and looking forward to have more International faculty members and students to join the university.

During the entire history of the Universitas Indonesia, many prominent scientists which has influenced the world of science, technology, economy, law, etc can be mentioned. Their works have shaped the civilization in Indonesia and in our planet. One of the Director and Faculty member/leading scientist of Javanese Medical School, Christian Eijkman, is the Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine in 1929, for his work at the laboratory at the University of Indonesia . The invention that the cause of Beriberi is the lack of a substance in the native staple food called ‘thiamin’ is the fundamental concept of vitamin.

Most of the invention are related to indigenous studies, tropical deseases, biology and zoology. UI established an Institute of Human Virology and Cancer Biology which is working on diseases such as Avian Flu in the year 2004. Prof. Soekarja Somadikarta is a senior taxonomy expert known world-wide. A new species of 'Kacamata Togian' bird (Zosterops Somadikartai) was named after him, an ex-honorary president of International Ornithological Congress. In addition to that, many actively working scientists, such as Dr.Terry Mart has been listed in the Wise Index of Leading Scientists and Engineers based on Cumulative Citations for his work in Physics, having written more than 73 leading International Journal papers.

Numorous alumnae and faculty members of UI are the experts in economics, law, social and humanities with the most influencing position in the development of Indonesia. A number of former and current ministers working for the presidential cabinet are related to UI. To named a few, some prominent scientists, policy makers, diplomates known world-wide such as Wijoyo Nitisastro, Ali Alatas, Yuwono Sudarsono, Selo Sumarjan, Slamet Imam Santoso, Fuad Hassan, Rooseno, and Sri Mulyani (the acting Enonomic coordinating Minister of Republic of Indonesia presently).

In August 2008, University of Indonesia is the Winner of the Indonesia ICT award for the smart campus with best Content and Application. In terms of Accessibility and Connectivity University of Indonesia has also won the merit award due to the fact that 90% of the University area is covered by IT Infrastructure and Services with its 185 Mbytes per second of bandwidth to the Internet, and 155 Mbit/s bandwidth to the Indonesia Higher Education research Network (Inherent)

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